We are out of tea bags

Today is the first day that I have felt better after my third (or fourth? I've lost count) bout of Covid. Or, the 'vids, as we like to say around this house. I have had it four days, and it's not been fun. My husband has been working full time, taking care of me, taking care of our 4 year old daughter (who, by the way, seems to be super talented at knowing the exact moment when one of us is sick and the other is exhausted, and goes completely feral) and cleaning the house in the few minutes free he has here and there. I'm still pretty tired, and need to be careful that I don't overdo it, but it's a downhill slope from here I believe.

Still haven't had a drop to drink for, now, 50 days. That's a long, long time for me! 


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