Moments that matter
The moments that matter When Pickle was very young, about a month old, I was doing the usual first time mum panicking at everything she did and everything she did not do, thinking I was a bad mum for doing or not doing everything and anything, thinking she would die at any moment because she was sleeping or not sleeping, not kicking or kicking too much...I actually remember gasping out the words "do you think she'll die?" when my husband suggested I was slightly overenthusiastic with the amount of nappy cream I applied one day. I would panic if she woke up too early or too late. I would panic if we were slightly late for a baby music class or if we missed one, or if she drank too much or too little milk, it was ridiculous but also, as I know now, extremely normal. I would be meticulous about the timings of everything for the first part of her ...