
Showing posts from October, 2021

Sick of being sick

                                                                                                                                                                      "Relentless"                                                                                               When I was in high school I had a friend who wanted to be a mummy more than anything else in the world. She ended up getting married before I'd had my first beer, and having 4 children in quick succession very shortly afterwards. I remember one of her motherhood anecdotes was that one day as she was changing her first born's nappy while pregnant with baby number 2, she had such bad morning sickness that she leaned to one side of her presumably wailing child and threw up so violently that she broke a rib. Seriously? I thought. And people have children voluntarily??  Thankfully, I hardly had any morning sickness when pregnant with Pickle.  And, apart from her being very colicky and not sleeping for the


                                                 OMG  She's 2! Pickle turned 2 a couple of days ago. For the past 6 months I've been waiting for and carefully observing the signs of two-nager hood to grace our house, in other words, the arrival of an evil spirit who inhabits my child for the next few years. For around 9 months there have been daily tantrums for no discernible reason, regular refusal to eat or drink, even the food that she loves the most more than anything in the world, spitting EVERYTHING out the moment it goes into her mouth or eliminating the middle man and just chucking it onto the floor, (let's be honest, 80% of the food ends up on mostly chewed on her person or on the floor. It's a miracle these little people survive or grow at all) violent distaste for nappy changes, an undisguised abhorrence of anything involving clothes that aren't already on her, but this morning was a whoooooole new level. The term two-nager works so well on so many levels